This my halarious four year old cousin! Bad...but, a huge piece of my heart, nonetheless.
Phone call with Lauren: May 4, 2010
Me: "Hey! I heard you graduated from preschool Sunday!"
Lauren: "Yes! I Did! We sung little kid songs and everything! I had a dress on. It was too big for me, but it fit."
Me: "Why didn't you call me? You know I didn't want to miss it!"
-that's how I always get her. She doesn't understand the concept of me being "away at school." She just questions why I have to go to school on All she knows is sometimes she don't see me for a while...but when she does, she doesn't let me out of her sight.
Lauren: "I'm sorry! You didn't come to church. I would've told you at church, but you don't come to church anymore so I couldn't tell you! Everyone was there without you. Your mommy was there without you...your daddy was there without you..."
Me: "I'm coming Sunday Lauren!"
Lauren: (burst of excitement. screams to both parents) "We can dress alike. I have a has dots on it...but it's toddler size, so you probably have to buy one."
Me: "Lol...So, how are things?"
Lauren: "I'M GETTING A POGO STICK!! And a new bike...with games, a horn, and a remote control!"
Me: "Are you ready for all of that??"
Lauren: "Well, I keep falling of my bike. Maybe I need a motorcycle or a car."
Me: (laughs extremely hard!!)
Lauren: (puts Joah on the phone, and even though he's really laughing at me calling his name, she takes the phone back and says he's busy.)
Me: "Are you being good for mommy and daddy?"
Lauren: "Uhmm...I'm going to call you later! Love youuuu!!"

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