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Friday, November 19, 2010

So, I get discouraged some times...I'm tired of waking up to the same struggles, temptations, etc. I just feel like it should get easier sometimes...

& currently, I'm learning a lot about myself. It seems like everyday, God points out something else about me that I didn't believe was a problem once before...

Don't get me wrong, I like the truth, but when I continue to look TRUTH in the eyes, day after day, I feel incompetent.

I said once before, you never know what's hindering you until you try to grow...& now that I'm actually grow'n, I'm run'n into a lot of brick walls...walls I believed had been knock'd down already or even brand new walls...it gets discouraging.

This whole trusting thing man...smh. It's a lifestyle...a lifestyle I must live.

I told God, "How far can I really get? I keep trying, but there's always an epiphany waiting for me...showing me I'm not even close to where I wanna be...so, how far can I really get?"

He says to me, "As far as you trust me to take you...you can go FAR!...your final destination will be the point you stop trusting me."

(I love when He answers me. That encourages me.)

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