Big Sis: "What's wrong?"
Me: " gets discouraging...I believe I'm actually ready to open up...I'm start'n to feel like, 'How far can I really get?'...if that makes sense."
Big Sis: "How far can you get without opening up?"
Me: "Basically yea...that's exactly it"...
this is a snippet of a conversation I just had...& it dawned on me...I have to open up. Yu know the whole "Open Up to Grow Up"'s pretty serious. I can embark on this journey of growing up, but how far can I really get if I refuse to talk? refuse to be transparent? not far at all...
Part of trusting God even deals with trusting that the people He has connected you with can handle the truth of your past...
This is a huge step for me...
*here we go*
:) i feel yu